Roger's law
The amount of minutes you are late for an appointment is directly proportional to the amount of bumbling fools blocking your progress.
A collection of whinges and demented rants of an Ex Corporate wage slave.
Roger's law
Thanks BW
A couple of years ago I bought a Ford Fiesta. I had only had it for about a week when it started playing up, the engine was over revving - even when I was not touching the accelerator. I took it back to the dealer bought it from and they appeared to fix the problem. The car has been ok for nearly two years. A couple of months ago I noticed that on occasion the old problem was slowly sneaking back. Over the past months the fault has gone worse and got to the point that just had to do something about it.
If we lived in an ideal world where everyone was totally honest ( not to the point of insulting someone). Politicians never tell lies or bend the truth. People only take what they really need from society. No locks are needed. And we all love each other.
Well I was trying to think of what I would normally write about.
Well no-one has suggested the most obvious subject.
Well I think my "blog me" subject today could be very similar to BW as Mrs L. is laid up at home with a bad back.. but that could be a pretty boring one i reckon as she is taking pain killers and ibrufen and resting.
Everyone seems to be up early this morning. I was up late last night and consequently not functioning fully.
Other sites where you can "Blog Me" this week:
As I was saying yesterday. Watching DB get all the hassle. Well - what about Maccer calling DB a C**t and telling the photographer to F**k off. Bang goes my opinion of another celeb.
Bit of a mixed bag today
"You do not have to judge people by the job they do, the clothes they wear, the holidays they take, the car they drive or the house they live in. These are very visible signs. They are easy yardsticks."
Yes, Yes, Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the police has web pages divided by locality showing pictures of suspects that they are wanting to arrest/interview it would help them to catch some of these loonies and criminals.
I am really shocked and saddened by Coop’s post about her being attacked.
Spent a couple of hours today Sorting out my header for my blog, It appears that whilst I was tweaking the HTML a corrupted version was saved by me and the whole thing went tits up.
I am currently lying in bed writing this blog on my palm.
Just playing with the template. Some of the template is missing when veiwed on my home pc......seems to work better on my work pc.
Sometimes people ask me if I ever get fed up driving into Manchester to work.
Well its Monday back at work again.