Friday, February 13, 2004

Work Ethic.
Apparently in the middle ages the peasants weren’t quite as badly off as we tend to think.
They had 80 public holidays a year, and they only worked enough to feed their families and pay their taxes to the lord of the manor. No fixed hours.
All that changed with the Victorians and the industrial revolution. People worked long hours for little money while their ‘masters’ lounged around in luxury.

Almost 200 years later we are still stuck with the Victorian work ethic. Only thanks to the trade unions and the selfless dedication of working men are things improving for the working man - the modern day serf.
Why is it necessary for everyone to work such long hours? Why cant we all work a little less ?
Maybe if we changed our priorities life would be less stressful and pleasanter for everyone.
I thought technology was supposed to free us from drudgery – it seem to do just the opposite !!

In no way could I be called a workaholic. I have a job to earn money to live. I do not have a career. I am not a go getter.
Something my boss just cant comprehend. He lives for the job and thinks everyone else should do the same. In the eyes of my company I am a lazy bad person. CRAP !!
I just have my values, my ‘work life balance’ in the correct order.


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