Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Self improvement....Bah!!

I think I write better when I am writing for myself. When I am writing for an audience I tend to be very brittle and not flowing. Inhibited.

Why should we be committed to doing anything? My life is for me and not impressing others. I am not a great man and will never achieve great things. Most people, after death, are only remembered by one generation at the most, so why bother.

Some may say we have to contribute to society or nothing would get done in the world
I contribute to society; I go to work. Keep the wheels turning.
What do I do with the rest of my life? We all do things that give us pleasure. That is the big driver. Stimulating the old pleasure centre. Whether it is bringing up a family in the knowledge that you have reproduced yourself and your genes and performed you primal life task that is the most deep down, most pleasing thing one can do. Or simply doing a hobby or a pastime, propping up a bar or watching TV and switching off after a day's work. Who was it said 'we are too busy earning a living to make any money' for the average working person, for the modern day serf I think this is very true.
It is not necessary to be 'doing good' all the time to please others. There is nothing wrong with a little self indulgence and self gratification (no dirty thoughts please).